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Toy Shelties

We holistically raise AKC toy shelties as the ultimate travel-sized collie companion.   Our dogs are AKC registered as Shetland Sheepdogs and health tested.  We have been breeding and competing small shelties since 2006.


Taylor is a delightful 12" tall AKC blue merle.  She is super sweet and playful, just full of personality!


Fox Point

Elvis Teddy Bear Cannon RN NA

Elvis is a darling 11.5" tall 7 lb gentleman.  He has sired many of our pups.  He belongs to Charlotte Cannon of Fox Point Farm and resides with her.  I was privileged to have been chosen to train and show him, and we share breeding rights on him.  Elvis has earned his Rally-Obedience Novice  competition title and his Novice Agility title.  Elvis comes from California Toy Sheltie lines. He has been genetically tested. 

I have a long time love of collie dogs.  Then I discovered Toy Shelties in 2001 and acquired a tiny sheltie named Sima (Shee-ma is Gaelic meaning treasure).  
Soon I adopted a second tiny sheltie, a 12" female named Colina (Gaelic for victory).  Colina and I discovered the world of dog agility together and she won 11 titles in competition, first with me, then with any family `member who wanted to run her.  She would race through the course, looking back as if to say "I know how to do this, just tell me where to go human!"
In 2005 I began searching for my next agility dog and discovered that well-bred small shelties were hard to find.  This was when I started considering breeding my own tiny shelties.  So Sprightly A Little Night Music NA NAJ joined our family. Her daughter Sprightly Scarborough Fair NA NAJ OA OAJ CGC continued the family tradition winning five agility titles and one obedience title.  
I then trained and competed "Elvis" (pictured above in hi ) in agility and rally obedience earning his novice titles. He has such a wonderful sweet and easygoing personality!

Have questions?  Email us at

Call/text (803)807-1116

Located in Monetta South Carolina

"As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15

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